I am a bad blogger. Sorry 'bout that...
Sunday, September 26, 2010
As It Turns Out...
Posted by Jackie at 9/26/2010 10:17:00 PM 0 comments
Thursday, September 2, 2010
I Can't Think of An Entertaining Title For This Post Because My Brain Hurts
Really, I am just tired right now. Not physically, but mentally, I'm exhausted. Thursdays are killer for me this semester. My day isn't over until 5 o'clock, and then will come homework (thankfully I did mine in advance, so none for me today).
Posted by Jackie at 9/02/2010 05:06:00 PM 0 comments
Tuesday, July 13, 2010
Lazy Days...Though Not By Choice
I'm not a bad blogger, I promise. It's just that nothing is going on in my life right now. The World Cup was the most interesting thing occupying my thoughts when I got back from Spain, but now that's over (Spain won! Viva Espana! I did a major happy dance...) and I'm back to boredom.
Posted by Jackie at 7/13/2010 10:56:00 PM 0 comments
Wednesday, July 7, 2010
Viva Espana!
I have never been a fan of soccer. Never. To me, there's not much action, it's low-scoring, and there are no commercial breaks, so if you have to get food/go to the bathroom/etc., you might miss something. And with my luck, that would be when the only action happens.
Posted by Jackie at 7/07/2010 12:08:00 PM 0 comments
Saturday, June 26, 2010
I Know I've Been Horrible About Updating...
...but this week has been SO crazy. I'll recap when I get back home (in less than 48 hours!), but I have zero time right now. We have to be on the bus in an hour, and I still have to get dressed and the rest of my stuff packed (which is not much at all) and eat breakfast.
Posted by Jackie at 6/26/2010 11:38:00 PM 0 comments
Labels: spain
Wednesday, June 23, 2010
As I Am Very Tired, I Shall Only Post a Short List
(This list consists of the various and sundry thoughts I have accumulated during our two days of the Andalucian tour)
- Windmills. They're awesome. And pretty.
- I swear, Coca-Cola just tastes better over here. And Fanta Naranja (Orange, for those of you who need to brush up on your Spanish) is DEFINITELY better.
- Did you know that buses have a certain amount of time they have to rest over here, as required by national law? It's pretty intense, but it's cut down tremendously on the amount of bus accidents.
- I really do love fans. I'm going to be that quirky girl with the fan sitting at Samford football games, I really will. I love them.
- I also have a really bad habit of collecting scarves. They're pretty, cheap, and light. Therefore, perfect items to pick up while traveling.
- On that note, my suitcase WILL be under the weight limit. I can actually pick it up now.
- I miss my big bed, I really do.
- First thing I'm making when I get back home: PB&J with a glass of really cold milk.
- I have now seen the Spanish Bradley Cooper, and he can flamenco dance. Life. Complete.
- I had piping hot, fresh out of the oven bread for dinner tonight, and it was the best thing ever.
- This morning, I ate bacon...in the Jewish Quarter of town. Oh, the irony.
- I'm still looking for a beach hat.
- Even though I complain about it, at the end of the stairs/ramps, I am always glad I climb up really tall towers in historic places.
- Horses smell.
- Birds don't aim their poop very well. Or maybe they just target girls in white shirts. (Thankfully, it was our last stop before the hotel and the majority got on my arm and not my clothes)
- Magnifying mirrors make you aware of how desperately you need an eyebrow wax.
- On that note, I NEED A PEDICURE.
- I'll sleep on the bus tomorow.
- My, this list was longer than expected.
Posted by Jackie at 6/23/2010 05:20:00 PM 0 comments
Labels: spain
Monday, June 21, 2010
Two Days of Relaxation and Random Sightings
So for the first time in this entire Spain experience, we had TWO complete days where we had nothing to do. I guess technically we had that during our free weekend, but seeing as how we had to explore a city in two and a half days, I don't count that.
Posted by Jackie at 6/21/2010 11:30:00 AM 0 comments
Labels: spain
Saturday, June 19, 2010
My Vacation...Somewhat
Since I'm not sure how my whole internet situation is going to be this next week (our tour of Andalucia), I'm going to give all of you a rundown of how the trip is going to pan out so that you have a bit of an idea if I can't blog to tell you all about it.
Posted by Jackie at 6/19/2010 03:19:00 PM 0 comments
Labels: spain
Friday, June 18, 2010
Finito : )
Posted by Jackie at 6/18/2010 06:07:00 AM 0 comments
Labels: spain
Thursday, June 17, 2010
Short and Sweet
Monday: We went to the Real Madrid stadium. I am not a futbol fan, but this excited me. We (Karin and I) went with Courtney, Caitlin, Emily, and our new German friend Mooritz. It was a lot of fun. I’d love to see a game there somday.
We got to see so many different parts of the stadium, including getting to walk the pitch, sit in the player's chairs (so comfy!), and go to the press room (I cannot tell you how excited that part made me. It was intoxicating.)
Tuesday: Directly after class, we went to the Royal Palace. It was unnecessarily elaborate, and the king and queen don’t live there (the location of their house is super-secret), so I wasn’t too interested. It was gorgeous, don’t get me wrong, and worth a visit, but I was tired and cold and hungry. Therefore, not much attention was able to be paid. It was pretty, though. Too bad we couldn't take pictures inside.
Funny Moment of the Day: Logan told the lady putting the "coatroom" tags on our backpacks that he had a meeting with the King...she told him that he was at a discotec and then put on of the tags on Logan's wrist. : )
However, afterwards, a group of us (Allison, Courtney, Emily, Karin, Carmen, J.T., and myself) went to El Espejo for their special cinnamon ice cream thing. It. Was. Amazing. We’re planning a return trip before we leave on Tuesday.
Oh, and then we walked to the metro and then home in the rain.
Wednesday: We all started to get very anxious about the finals (Friday) and the oral exams (Thursday or Friday, depending on when we signed up). Karin and I spent the afternoon at Starbucks doing homework. I think I’m good for exams, but I’m trying not to get cocky.
My oral exam is TODAY at 6:30 PM (that’s 12:30 PM for those of you in Georgia). Prayer is appreciated.
Off to study!
Hasta luego!
Faith. Trust. Pixie Dust.
Posted by Jackie at 6/17/2010 03:50:00 AM 0 comments
Labels: spain
Sunday: A Day of Heavy Backpacks
We packed up and checked out of the hotel, then made our way to the main street for breakfast in a café. I had a class of freezing cold milk and was in absolute heaven. I miss cold milk.
Oh yeah, so you know how I mentioned that our backpacks were heavy on Friday? Well, on Sunday, we had to carry them around ALL. DAY. LONG. Not cool.
However, we decided to make the most of it and take the bus tour of Barcelona so that we could just set our bags down most of the day. Yay for being smart!
We rode the red line all around the main part of Barcelona. We saw SO much: the Olympic stadium, the ports, the shopping center where we would later eat lunch (at the same spot the other girls at dinner Friday when we were looking for them), and so much more. I took about a thousand pictures of architectural details. I love European buildings!
And, of course, I put on sunscreen to prevent further sunburning on my arms.
At the end of the line, Karin and I made our way to our chosen restaurant for some paella con mariscos. I was excited to try this dish because I’ve heard so much about it and hadn’t had it yet. Plus, it had seafood (my favorite!). What’s not to love?
Well, it came, and Karin looked at me and said “What are you making me eat?”
I guess she had a point. The seafood did still have eyes, after all. However, it was all so delicious that I didn’t even care. And this is unusual for me, as I am normally very cautious about food.
We had a nice conversation with the Australian couple sitting next to us, Karin and I informing them about what we knew about Spain (they really didn’t know that much) and giving them advice on what do and what to see. I felt so legit in that moment.
We spent some time after lunch shopping in the mall. And, though I tried on a lot, I bought nothing. Nada. Zilch. In fact, all I bought period in Barcelona souvenier-wise were three postcards. Karin, however, bought a gorgeous bathing suit I am extremely jealous of. I tried on bathing suits, too, but I’m discovering that Spain fashion is not geared toward women bigger than a B. Disappointment, anyone?
After shopping, we stopped at the waffle stand again for more deliciousness before getting back on the bus and headed out toward the green line. This line stopped near the biggest mall in Catlonia, right across from our hotel, and we were excited to shop in it.
Problem. It was Sunday. And the stores were closed. *boo* I was very unhappy.
So, Karin and I rode the bus a bit more, then headed to the airport. We were sad to leave Barcelona, but happy to return to Madrid. I had really missed it.
We felt quite legit navigating the train and metro systems to the airport. And by that point, we were so giddy with exhaustion that we kind of floated through the whole experience.
Oh, and you know how we were disappointed that we’d have no more shopping? We were wrong. Barcelona’s airport pretty much has a mall inside it. There’s a Zara and everything. I got Karin a little model of the benches (funny story behind that purchase…but I won’t go into that here) as an apology for being so blech-y on Saturday. She was very excited.
We made sure to keep checking the gate so we wouldn’t get caught be surprise like we did in Madrid, but thankfully, Barcelona is much more consistent. We got on our plane with no problems, and I stared out the window the whole way back.
All in all, a very good trip. I was thoroughly satisfied with the whole experience. And next time, I’m putting on sunscreen every ten minutes.
Hasta luego!
Faith. Trust. Pixie Dust.
Posted by Jackie at 6/17/2010 03:45:00 AM 0 comments
Labels: spain
Saturday: In Which Karin Becomes Very Excited About Benches
After an…eventful Friday in Barcelona, Karin and I were excited to get on with the rest of our weekend, which was, thankfully, much less accident-filled than the first day.
I can now honestly say I have toured Barcelona in three ways, all of which begin with the letter ‘B’: bicycle, boat, and bus (in that order, in fact). Bicycle and boat tours were on Saturday, and then the bus was Sunday.
So, to recap, Saturday started when Karin and I woke up in the the most comfortable beds we’ve slept in a long time. We did not want to get up in the least. However, we had to, and by 10:45 we were waiting at the metro stop for the others so we could get to our bike tour.
This tour was going to last three hours, and I was nervous as mess. I hadn’t been on a bike in at least three years, and now I was going to ride around a city on one for three hours? What was I getting myself into?
Our tour guide showed up, and we were all a bit shocked. I wish I had a picture. He had the LONGEST dreads ever, tied back in a ponytail. He spoke English, but with a very thick Catalonian accent. After our initial shock, however, we discovered he was very cool (he came from Barcelona, so how could he not be cool? *sideways peace sign*…yeah, don’t worry about that. It’s an inside joke…haha). We also found out that he travels whenever and wherever he wants, and when he works, he’s a tour guide by day and a DJ by night (like Batman, only much more Marley-esque).
Turns out I shouldn’t have been worried about the tour. It was the best thing about the trip. The weather was perfect for cruising on bikes around Barcelona, and it was definitely better than walking. We saw so many awesome things, and I wish I had gotten even more pictures than the 200 I did take, but I was not as coordinated as Allison at taking pictures while riding. I waited until I stopped moving before trying that.
My one attempt at a moving shot...yeah, not so good
After the tour, we walked down to the old port to look at the times and prices for the Catamaran tours. Caitlin, Karin, and I knew we wanted to go, but the others took a bit of convincing. Thankfully, Karin is a very skilled saleswoman and all seven of us got on the boat together.
This is where both my camera died and I got sunburned. I will say no more on the topics (except that I got a Silly Band line from the burn…and it’s quite comical to look at).
After the boat, we all took the metro to Karin’s and my hotel so that Karin, Morgan, and I could get into our bathing suits because we were headed for the beach! (Yes, I just got sunburned and was headed straight for the beach. Don’t judge. I stopped and paid 17 bucks for sunscreen before going…yes, no lie, 17 bucks. They price gouge for sunscreen in Spain).
The others went to find the beach while we changed, and once we did (and found notes from the hotel wanting the passport and credit card info of Karin’s dad. We then called her dad and had him call the hotel to tell them to stop harassing us. Go Karin’s Dad!), we started out toward the beach.
This is where we got lost again. Karin and I got lost a lot, apparently. They had been on the beach almost an hour before we got there.
Side note: Yes, this is Europe. Yes, women were sunbathing topless. Yes, one of the girls in the group went topless for ten seconds because it was on her bucket list. No, I will not put her name in my blog. Yes, we did sit beside three obnoxiously drunk German guys, and yes, I did decide that I dislike the German language because it is not pretty. Oh, and yes, the water was cold…or freezing, whichever you please.
After the beach, we threw on our coverups and headed toward the Park Guell, where a lot of Gaudi’s architecture and his house is. This involved a lengthy metro ride.
It is at this time that my blood sugar decided it no longer liked me and dropped like a 15 ton bowling ball. That, combined with the horrid jerky movements of the Barcelona metro, resulted in me almost fainting in the metro system.
Cross that off the list of things to do before I die.
I was all better once I got some food and water in me (we had been so busy all day, I hadn’t eaten properly and the sun had just drained me), but I still wasn’t the happiest camper when I saw the giant hill we had to climb to get to the park. However, Karin was insistent that we see Gaudi’s benches (this is where the title comes into play), so I went.
So glad I did. Otherwise, I’d never have seen as many Jamaican-wannabes all in one place as I did that day. Yes, we walked straight through the International European Reggae Festival.
Courtney Connell: “I think I just smoked marijuana for the first time without realizing it.”
After passing through the Caribbean and searching for our tour guide (we concluded that he was the DJ for the shindig), we finally made it to the benches.
Imagine a three-year-old boy hyped up on seven packs of Pixi Stix, a Mountain Dew, and a dozen donuts. Can you picture it? Now multiply it by five. Add two. Then twenty.
Karin was more excited than that. I literally though she was going to kiss them, no lie. I was very sad my camera was dead and I could not get a picture of her face. So you’ll just have to make do with your imagination.
After seeing the park and taking a million pictures (well, everyone else taking a million pictures, anyway), Karin and I headed back toward our hotel. We were intending to freshen up then meet everyone for dinner, but I was feeling pretty awful by this time with my sunburn and all, and Karin was tired, so we grabbed something quick, took it to our hotel room, and went to bed.
Be Jealous of My Silly Band Line
Have I mentioned that I loved-loved-loved those beds? Because I did. I want them back.
Hasta luego!
Faith. Trust. Pixie Dust.
Posted by Jackie at 6/17/2010 03:33:00 AM 0 comments
Labels: spain
Wednesday, June 16, 2010
Friday 6/11: A Series of Unfortunate Events
Posted by Jackie at 6/16/2010 06:10:00 AM 0 comments
Labels: spain
Monday, June 14, 2010
Brief Update on Barcelona
I wish I had a lot more time right now to update you on my free weekend in Barcelona. I have the day-by-day posts coming, but right now I do not have the time to get them up. So, I'll leave you with a few brief memories and some pics.
Faith. Trust. Pixie Dust.
Posted by Jackie at 6/14/2010 06:37:00 AM 0 comments
Labels: spain